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Aesthetic office stock photos

A collection of podcast images, “Soft touch,” is suitable for creatives, life coaches, female lifestyle bloggers, and online businesses that abound spring and summer vibes. It will be a lovely addition to your visual branding on social media, your website, and any other platforms where you post content. These podcast images are aesthetically pleasing to view and easily adjustable.

The “Office inspired” collection includes 13 high-quality JPEG images: six horizontal, seven vertical formats, and four videos. All images are digital only, with color profile sRGB. The size of each office-inspired stock photo varies from 8 -11 MB. Purchased aesthetic office stock photos don’t contain any watermarks. Videos dimensions 1080×1920, mov. format, suited for Instagram reels and Stories, TikTok, and YouTube shorts. After checkout, you will receive a link. Click on it and download the “Office-inspired” collection of aesthetic office stock photos. Access to a downloadable file will be active seven days after the initial online purchase.

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $25.00.


This simple and bright office stock photos collection will look good on a website and social media for brands dedicated to coaching, including female leadership, social media strategists, podcasters, and other businesses for whom brand aesthetics is a priority. It’s created with love by ArsVie studio and with a dedication to visually pleasing and lifestyle beauty. The one that is inspiring, easily understandable, and welcoming.

The “Office inspired” collection includes 13 high-quality JPEG images: six horizontal, seven vertical formats, and four videos. All images are digital only, with color profile sRGB. The size of each office-inspired stock photo varies from 8 -11 MB. Purchased aesthetic office stock photos don’t contain any watermarks. Videos dimensions 1080×1920, mov. format, suited for Instagram reels and Stories, TikTok, and YouTube shorts. After checkout, you will receive a link. Click on it and download the “Office-inspired” collection of aesthetic office stock photos. Access to a downloadable file will be active seven days after the initial online purchase.


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